How to Use the Future Tense in Spanish to Express Probability Or Conjecture

If you ask if you can use the spanish future tense to express probability or congeture the answer is yes.

In English we use the present tense to express probability or conjecture. We will use the present tense to say "It's probably 7:30." Or to say "I wonder who has your car," or to say "John probably has your car."Yyou can use Spanish's future tense to express probability or conjecture in Spanish. Pay close attention to the following examples:

¿Me pregunto quién tendrá tu auto?
I wonder who has your car?

The following phrase could also be expressed in Spanish using the future tense:

John probably has your car.
John tendrá tu auto.

Further examples:

Question: ¿Me pregunto qué hora es?
I wonder what time it is?
Answer: Serán las 6:30.
It is probably 6:30.

Question: ¿Quién golpea la puerta tan tarde?
Who is knocking at the door so late?
Answer: Será James.
It is probably James. (The person who is answering is not sure whether it is James or someone else who
is at the door)

Imagine: You are going to have some guests at your
house and you are not sure what would they prefer to eat.
And you say: ¿Querrán pollo o carne?
I wonder if they will want chicken or steak?

Imagine: Perdí mi oportunidad de ver la película.
I lost my chance to see the movie. (Maybe because I arrived late.)
Response: Podrás verla más tarde.
You can probably watch it later.

Imagine: Beth no contesta el teléfono.
Beth doesn't answer her telephone.
Response: Estará ocupada.
She is probably busy.


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